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CHTN Eastern's Publications & Abstracts
Von Menchhofen Z, Nohle DG, Mandt RL, et al.; A Novel Biorepository Inventory Search Tool Utilizing Distributed Databases for the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN) (1665): Modern Pathology 2018; 31 (suppl 2): 600
Diederich, AE, Quintiliani, VD, von Menchhofen Z, Arthur, X, McGarvey D, Baloch, ZW, LiVolsi VA; Quality Control of Fresh Biospecimens: What You See is Not Always What You Get. USCAP Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA (2153): Modern Pathology 2018; 31 (suppl 2): 773
T. Kokkat, L. Lovecchio, D. McGarvey, and V. LiVolsi; Effect of High Temperature Thawing on PTEN Enzyme in Human Uterine Tissue: Biopreservation and Biobanking 9(1): 89. (2011).PMID: 24836631
Z. von Menchhofen, D. McGarvey, and V. LiVolsi; Bioinformatic Solutions to Unique Identification Labeling for Tissue Bank Databases: Practicing Safe “Sets”. USCAP Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.: Modern Pathology 23(1): 336a (Feb 2010)
Z. von Menchhofen, D. McGarvey, and V. LiVolsi; A Three-Tiered Approach to the Collection and Protection Biospecimen Data: A Triple Threat: Biopreservation and Biobanking 7(4): 232-233. (May 2010)
Auer H, Mobley JA, Ayers LW, Bowen J, Chuaqui RF, Johnson LA, Livolsi VA, Lubensky IA, McGarvey D, Monovich LC, Moskaluk CA, Rumpel CA, Sexton KC, Washington MK, Wiles KR, Grizzle WE, Ramirez NC; The effects of frozen tissue storage conditions on the integrity of RNA and protein: Biotech Histochem 2014. 89:518-528. PMID: 24799092. PMC ID: PMC4213858
Kokkat TJ, McGarvey D, Patel MS, Tieniber AD, Livolsi VA, Baloch ZW; Protein extraction from methanol fixed paraffin embedded tissue blocks: A new possibility using cell blocks: Cytojournal 2013. 10:23. PMID: 24403950. PMC ID: PMC3869970
Kokkat TJ, Patel MS, McGarvey D, LiVolsi VA, Baloch ZW; Archived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks: A valuable underexploited resource for extraction of DNA, RNA, and protein: Biopreserv Biobank 2013. 11:101-106. PMID: 24845430. PMC ID: PMC4077003
Kokkat TJ, McGarvey D, Lovecchio L, and LiVolsi V.; Effect of thaw temperature in reducing enzyme acticity in human thyroid tissue: Biopreservation and Biobanking 9(4): 349-354. (2011)
Z. von Menchhofen, V. LiVolsi, W. Grizzle, K. Sexton, and D. McGarvey; Controlled Vocabularies for Bio-repositories – An Integrated Simplified Appraoch: Keeping It’s Structure Simple (KISS): Association of Pathology Informatics Conference (Podium presentation),Sept 2010
T. Kannanayakal; Study of Optimum Temperatures Using Human Thyroid Tissues for Research: 14th International Thyroid Conference Paris. Sept 2010
D. McGarvey, T. Kannanayakal, L. Lovecchio, C. Arana, E. Yoffee, and V. LiVolsi; Investigation of Optimum Temperature to Thaw Frozen Human Tissue Samples: 50th ASCB Conference Dec. 2010
Z. von Menchhofen, N.Bollinger, V. LiVolsi; Standardized Measures Ensure Quality of Well-characterized Human Biosamples for Medical Research: Biorepository Resource Network (BRN) Conference April 2011
AD Horan, DA Baldwin, TK Kokkat, D McGarvey, CA Kaminski, VA LiVolsi and S Mehta; The Orthopaedic Trauma Serome: Timeline of biomarkers from injury to outcome: Biomarker World Congress 2011 Meeting May 2011
Z. von Menchhofen, D. McGarvey, W. Miller, S. Dinella, A. Blatt, A. Ziober, J. Brilla, and V. LiVolsi; New Information in Old Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embeded (FFPE) Blocks: Does the Parrafin Block Lose it’s Value in the Drawer Over Years: American Society of Clinical Pathology October 2011
Z. von Menchhofen, V. LiVolsi and Z. Baloch; Design and Validation of a Thyroid Specimen Database and Diagnostic Tool: American Society of Clinical Pathology October 2011
TK Kokkat, D McGarvey, M Islam, E Yoffee, A Tieniber, CA Kaminski, DA Baldwim, S. Mehta, DC Stanton, AD Horan, VA LiVolsi; Use of RNA from Heat Stabilized Human Bone Chips- A New Horizon: Leaders in Biobanking 2011, New Brunswick, NJ November 2011
S. Mehta, AD Horan, DA Baldwin, T Kokkat, D McGarvey, VA Livolsi; Biomarker Identification in Fracture Healing: Orthopaedic Research Society 2012 Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA (February 2012)
T. Kokkat, D. McGarvey, E.Yoffe, A. Tieniber, M.Patel, M. Islam, L. Lovecchio, V. LiVolsi; Stability of heat stabilized human tissue lysates in cryostorage: 5th Annual Biospecimen Research Network conference February 2012
TJ Kokkat, VA LiVolsi, M Patel, D McGarvey, MZ Islam, G Piermatteo, ZW Baloch; RNA from Archived FFPE Blocks-a Valuable Underexploited Resource: United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Annual Meeting March 2012
T. Kokkat, G. Smejkal, H. Khoja, L. Lovecchio, A. Krowczynska, M. Patel, V. LiVolsi, D. McGarvey; Gene Expression of hsp27 in Renal Cell Carcinoma and the Correlation with Tumor Progression: American Association of Cancer Research Annual Conference April 2012
M. Patel, D. McGarvey. T Kokkat, V. LiVolsi, Z von Menchhofen; EMA Simplifies Operative Schedule Searchability for Prospective Tissue Procurement: ISBER Annual Conference May 2012
Chin L, McGarvey D, Kokkat T, Basque T, Fraone J.; Improved Utilization of Fresh-Frozen Tissue Specimens Using a Novel Frozen Tissue Aliquotter: ISBER Annual Meeting Sydney, Australia. (May 2013)
von Menchhofen Z, McGarvey D, Jones S, Horan AD, Baloch, ZW and LiVolsi V; Building a Redaction System with Scientific Dictionaries and Regular Expression Matching Algorithms (REMA): ISBER Annual Meeting Orlando, FL. (May 2014)
McGarvey D, von Menchhofen Z and LiVolsi, VA.; Utilizing Open Source Technologies to Save Resources in a Biobank: A Case Study.: ISBER annual Conference Berlin, GER April 2016
Garcia DL, McGarvey D, Horne E, Hill K, Tarn, C, Bracci, PM, Guevarra DM, Sieffert, N, Berliner K.; Creating Successful Training Programs for Repository Technicians: Europe Biobank Week Conference. Vienna AUS. September 2016
Bledsoe M, Henderson M, Garcia D, Sieffert N, Education and Training Committee Members (McGarvey D.).; High Quality, Ethically-Collected Specimens are Critical Research Tools.: Leaders in Biobanking Congress 2016. Baltimore, MD. September 2016
Smith K, McGarvey D, LiVolsi, VA.; Analysis of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network Quality Management System: 2017 University of Pennsylvania Research Core Fair. Philadelphia, PA. September 2017
von Menchhofen Z, Nohle DG, Mandt RL, McGarvey D, LiVolsi VA, Parwani AV, Ayers LW.; CHTN Biospecimen Inventory Via Mobile App or Web Page and Distributed Databases: USCAP Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, CA March 2018
Diederich, AE, Quintiliani, VD, von Menchhofen Z, Arthur, X, McGarvey D, Baloch, ZW, LiVolsi VA.; Quality Control of Fresh Biospecimens: What You See is Not Always What You Get: USCAP Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, CA March 2018
Quintiliani V, Arthur X, McGarvey D, LiVolsi V, von Menchhofen Z.; Review of Quality Control Metrics Impacting Same Day Shipments of Biospecimens: International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories Annual Meeting. Dallas, TX (Podium: Quintiliani) May 2018
Instructional Course: LiVolsi VA, vonMenchhofen Z, McGarvey D.; Data to Drive Process in a Biorepository: American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL September 2017
Instructional Course: LiVolsi VA, vonMenchhofen Z, McGarvey D.; Biobanking and the Role of the Pathologist: American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV September 2016
Instructional Course: McGarvey D.; Receiving Biospecimens – Effective Biorepository Practices: International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories Annual Meeting. Berlin, Germany April 2016
Podium: McGarvey D.; Tissue Resources: Cooperative Human Tissue Network: BioCEO & Investor Conference, New York, NY. February 2016
Instructional Course: LiVolsi VA, vonMenchhofen Z, McGarvey D.; Emergence of Biobanks and the Role of the Pathologists: American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA October 2015
Instructional Course: McGarvey D.; Biobanking in Pathology: Mid-Atlantic Pathologist Assistants Annual Meeting, Lancaster, PA May 2014
D. McGarvey, T. Kannanayakal, L. Lovecchio, and V. LiVolsi; Heat Stabilization Minimizes Protein Concentration Changes in Stored Human Tissues: Biobanking Conference 2010, Providence, RI December 2010 (Podium Presentaion: Diane McGarvey)
Round Table: vonMenchhofen Z; : American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL September 2017
Grand Rounds: vonMenchhofen Z; Don't Press That Button: Why you need a Data Scientist on your Research Or Clinical Practice: Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA 2010
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Research Resource Identifier: (CHTNEastern: RRID:SCR_022407 / CHTN: RRID:SCR_004446 )